There were many new software releases across a broad range of our product portfolio including Studio RM, Studio Mapper, Studio OP, Studio NPVS/RMS/Maxipit, Studio UG, Schedule Optimisation Tool and Minemarket.
We encourage you to upgrade to the latest versions to benefit from new functionality, improved workflows and faster performance.
Studio Mapper v2.4
This is a maintenance update for Studio Mapper and includes report template improvements, extended feature symbol support, data export enhancements and more.
Studio EM v2.9
This update to Studio EM introduces useful new features and improvements and is recommended for all Studio EM users
Studio RM & Studio RM Pro v1.10
This update provides important fixes to issues causing potential system instability. It is recommended for all Studio RM users under maintenance. This version is functionally identical to the previous release in August.
Sirovision v7.0
This update to Sirovision introduces significant new features and improvements and is recommended for all Sirovision users. It is also an excellent starting point for new customers.
With a completely redesigned ribbon-based user interface and more accessible dialogs and wizards, using Sirovision has never been easier. Combined with image view and visualization enhancements, a smart project tree, stereonet improvements and a streamlined image registration method, it’s an essential upgrade.
Studio OP v2.11
This version of Studio OP is compatible with EPS version or later.
This update introduces pit design scenarios, auto scheduler improvements and a new reconciliation tool. It is a recommended update for all Studio OP users.
Studio NPVS/RMS/Maxipit
Studio NPVS, Studio RMS and Studio Maxipit are installed together, but require separate licenses.
This version introduces Project Data control bar improvements, extending the context-sensitive options available and other general improvements, including a large collection of core system improvements.
SOT v4.1.1736
This is a maintenance release that provides new functionality, improvements and bug fixes to previously reported issues.
Studio UG v2.8
This is a big update for Studio UG with lots of new features and enhancements, both in the scheduling work flow’s managed tasks and core systems. Block model and depletion tools arrive, along with walls data output and importing attributes from EPS. There are autolayout improvements and a new Edge Editor tool for rapid string adjustment.
EPS v3.1.67
This version is required for scheduling with the latest Studio UG (v2.8) version, and will automatically install the latest version of InTouch EPS.
IMPORTANT: Due to required changes to the EWS project file structure, this version of EPS will create projects that are NOT compatible with versions of EPS prior to v3.1.67.
MineMarket 5.5.0
Highlights in this update:
- User Interface
- Inventory management and tracking
- Transportation and Logistics
- Sales and Marketing
- Commodity trading and risk management
- Reports and Billboards
- Integration
- Installation and upgrades
CCLAS 6 v6.12
This update introduces a lot of new features and improvements:
- Enhanced Sample search based on Job type/properties
- Multi-Job Samples Data Result View
- Updated Workbook API documentation
- New context-sensitive Online Help
- Enhanced QC History searching capability
- Ability to lock Template Job, so they can’t be changed
- Ability to promote Production jobs to new scheme versions