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Studio RM 2.1 and Studio EM 3.1 Public Releases


Our flagship resource modelling product has great updates with important new features, improvements and fixes – particularly in implicit modelling and advanced estimation.

Studio RM provides important changes to COKRIG to better support dynamic anisotropy. ANISOANG now creates a dynamic third angle so Dynamic Anisotropy (DA) can be run using three rotations, ensuring the rotation convention of the DA angles in the block model are consistent with all angles in the variogram/search. Implicit modelling improvements in Studio RM include faster contact surface generation, creation of additional point from loaded strings or point data and updating of categorical and grade models.

Grade shells in Studio RM 2.1

With Studio EM you’ll benefit from a major functional upgrade with access to Drillhole Importer and Boolean wireframing tools. Boolean tools and the Drillhole Importer make Studio EM an excellent choice for exploration and operational geologists. The Drillhole Importer also supports bigger and more complex files with allowances for extremely wide columns and non-standard characters. You can now quickly enable or disable imported data columns.

There are core improvements that benefit both products, including the next batch of improvements for the Plots window. These include better access to the Quick Filter and Format ribbon filtering options; and several improvements to make zooming easier in Plots projections.

Seven new design commands let you do more with CAD and wireframing. You can assign attributes to data from selected perimeters; generate a 2D grid anywhere in 3D space, with optional grid reference attribution; inject string points at a specified elevation; and much more.

Further improvements to both products include an overhauled Legend Manager; and the ability to restore process retrieval criteria, save a subset of points to file, and use new filtering options to show or hide selected points.

About Studio RM

Studio RM is a leading geological modelling and resource estimation solution designed to meet the diverse needs of consulting geologists, production geologists and resource geologists. Known for its customisability and versatile feature set, Studio RM excels in handling complex geological settings and large data sets with ease. Its interactive design and powerful evaluation tools support a wide range of workflows, from grade control to resource estimation, ensuring that geologists can build and update robust geological models that comply with industry reporting standards such as JORC, SAMREC, NI 43-101, and Guide 7. Studio RM’s implicit and explicit modelling techniques, combined with comprehensive block modelling and advanced grade estimation workflows, make it an indispensable tool for meeting the day-to-day needs of geologists.

About Studio EM

Studio EM is a tailored solution for geology professionals, leveraging the technology of Datamine’s successful Studio software series. It includes tools for planning and processing drilling data, with direct linkages to drillhole databases like Datamine Fusion and acQuire, and Datamine’s GIS solution, MapInfo Discover. Studio EM supports developing geological models, from 3D interpretation and block modelling to basic grade estimation. It offers on-the-fly statistical analysis with histograms and scatterplots, dynamically linking between histograms and sample data. Highly compatible with many other software packages, Studio EM is the perfect geological analysis solution for increasing productivity and on-site efficiencies.

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Read Studio RM release notes and documentation and Studio EM release notes and documentation.

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