Studio RM 2.2 and Studio EM 3.2 Public Releases

Studio RM and Studio EM leap forwards again with these impressive updates from Datamine. We’ve had excellent suggestions from customers resulting in new features and several improvements in both geology-focused and core system areas. The ever-popular Drillhole Importer goes from strength to strength with this update introducing streamline table reimport, collar and topography adherence checks, […]
Studio RM 2.1 and Studio EM 3.1 Public Releases

Our flagship resource modelling product has great updates with important new features, improvements and fixes – particularly in implicit modelling and advanced estimation. Studio RM provides important changes to COKRIG to better support dynamic anisotropy. ANISOANG now creates a dynamic third angle so Dynamic Anisotropy (DA) can be run using three rotations, ensuring the rotation […]