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Customer Success Story: Buenaventura & Discover







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“Discover for ArcGIS Pro allows us to spend less time generating sections and more time interpreting them. It’s easy to use and the cost reduction in the budget for purchasing and/or maintaining software has been immense.”

Marco Escalante – GIS Analyst


Compañía de Minas Buenaventura S.A.A. is a Peruvian precious metals producer with over 70 years of experience in exploration, development, construction and mining operations.

  • Business culture:

    The company commenced its activities in 1953 with the acquisition of the Julcani Mine, in Huancavelica. Since then, they have worked to develop a business culture based on caring for the environment, as well as the health and safety of all our employees, and respect for the communities.

  • Highest industry standards:

    They are the first Latin American mining company to list on the New York Stock Exchange, starting in 1996, and, as part of their mission, the company strives to apply the highest industry standards and promote continuous innovation.


In the past, Buenaventura was using a software package that was about to expire and no longer had updates. This situation affected their operations since the team did not have a software to makes sections using data from their enterprises, they began to use more advanced software whose power and capacity are not made for a simple process.

To resolve the issue, the company researched and studied various software solutions in the market, with the requirements of having the capability to work within the ArcGIS Pro environment and being able to complement 100% of their Enterprise solutions.


Discover for ArcGIS Pro covered all the business needs and more. One of the main strengths is to have data in 3D, which supports the future vision of the Explorations in seeing, analysing and making decisions.

  • Enterprise platform:

    Discover for ArcGIS Pro brings all the Exploration focused tools from Discover to an Enterprise platform.

  • Assists professionals:

    Incorporated in the industry leading ArcGIS Pro, Discover assists the exploration professional in their daily activities from data conversion, map making to field work.

  • Multipurpose software:

    The software allows users to import numerous geoscience specific data types, create cartographic quality drillhole plans and sections, as well as view all data in 3D.


  • Streamlined Operations:

    The company has the data of all its standardised units in nomenclature, templates and coding. A single user generates a template and distributes it to all units.

  • Making operations easier:

    The software is easy to use for both GIS operators, GIS analysts and geologists without much training in the software.

  • Cost reduction:

    The cost reduction in the budget for purchasing and/or maintaining the platform, is equivalent to 10% or 20%, when compared to Buenaventura’s others corporate software.


Built as a plugin to ArcGIS Pro, Discover is a comprehensive package for the importation, centralisation and analysis of geosciences data, whether you are conducting mineral exploration, or environmental assessments.

  • With Discover, you can import numerous geoscience specific data types, create cartographic quality drillhole plans and sections, as well as view all of your data in 3D.
  • You also have the flexibility to web share all of your 2D and 3D scenes to members within your organisation or the general public.
  • ArcGIS Pro has the unique ability to switch seamlessly from 2D to 3D GIS environments.


“As part of the improvements since the implementation of this solution, thanks to the sections in 2D and 3D environment, now geologists have a broader vision for its geological interpretation or can appreciate how its geochemistry is distributed. The time of processing data is much shorter.”

Marco Escalante –
GIS Analyst

Key features
Importation of a wide variety of drillhole data formats
Extensive drillhole validation
Simple drillhole data refresh
Section templates for common styling & handling large amounts of data
Apply legend styling to all ArcGIS Pro data types
Ability to web share 3D drillhole scenes
"As Discover is within the ArcGIS Pro environment, the deployment was very easy, because we no longer had to convert in different formats.”
Jennifer Claughton –
Reconcilor Principal Consultant
Key benefits
Create cartographic quality drillhole sections & plans
Visualise your drillhole data in 3D
Quickly produce & manage your sections
Easily manage your section data & styling
Seamless integration from 2D to 3D
Visualisation of mining data formats in a GIS environment
Data sharing within your company or with the general public
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