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Studio Survey 2.3 Public Release


Studio Survey 2.3 brings both survey-related and core application improvements for both open pit and underground surveyors.

This version brings a new facility to define a surveyed points file containing stockpile name references for a ROM report. If a ROM Stockpile Boundary is added, pick any loaded points object or points file (typically an artefact of drone survey) and Studio Survey automatically assigns stockpile names based on points data attribute values. A great time saver!

By popular request, we’ve also introduced a simple way to edit generated PDF reports. You can now load the template file associated with your automated report (any report that has PDF output) via the Browse Database task.

Studio Survey 2.3 with loaded plot template for report layout editing

Simply browse the database for files with a .dmtpl extension, then load them to regenerate editable plot sheets. Make your changes and save them and future reports use the new formatting, layout, projections and plot items.

On the core application side, we have overhauled the Vector Export command to provide support for a wider range of data configurations and to improve accuracy for all exported data types. You also get new and improved processes and commands, such as more options for EXTRA (the multi purpose expression translator), ALPHCODE (convert between field types), create-planar-rectangle (using precise dimensions), RANDOM (a new random number generator and TRANSCO for file-based coordinate system transformations.

About Studio Survey

Studio Survey is a dedicated software solution designed exclusively for mine surveyors, addressing both underground and open pit operations. Unlike alternative complex products, it simplifies and streamlines everyday survey tasks for any commodity through its automated data management, processing, and reporting functionality, greatly increasing productivity for mine survey crews. Studio Survey closes the loop between design and actuals by processing survey data and providing detailed reports on mining actuals and design reconciliation. This all-inclusive tool allows users to process, modify, and report survey data efficiently, making it an indispensable asset for increasing operational efficiency and accuracy in mine surveying.

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